The Primary Logo
Please, Be Advised
Using any logo variations other than the ones listed in this chapter is not allowed
- The horizontal primary logo should be used for all print applications.
- The relative size and position of the elements within the logo are fixed.
- The logo should only be reproduced from the master artwork and should not be redrawn or altered in any way.
- The horizontal format shown above is the default version. This means it should be used whenever possible.
- The stacked logo should only be used when space is limited, digitally or upon approval from the brand team.

Logo Versions

No type, images or other graphic elements may appear within this clearance area.
Please note the minimum clearance area:
The clearance area is measured by an ‘x’ symbol on each corner of the logo, which is equal to the height of the ‘A’ in word ‘ARENA’
Additional clearance should be given if possible or appropriate.

Although it is a strong preference to use the tagline separately, in some cases it is permitted to use the tagline locked up with the logo.
The space between the logo and the break line is measured by an ‘x’ symbol, which is equal to 1/4 the height of the logo. The space between the break line and the tagline is measured by an ‘x’ symbol, which is equal to 1/4 the height of the logo.
User must consult with the Brand Team before using the tagline locked up with the logo.

Always follow these steps to make sure that the Etihad Arena logo takes prominence when locked with a partner logo.
- Determine the position of the Etihad Arena logo. This will always be defined by the Asset.
- If the Etihad Arena logo is placed on the bottom right, the partner logo should be positioned to the left of Etihad Arena logo.
- If the Etihad Arena logo is placed on the top left, the partner logo should be positioned to the right of the Etihad Arena logo.
- The clearance area between the Etihad Arena logo and subsequent partner logos should be measured by 2 ‘x’ symbols, each equal to the height of the ‘A’ and the logo’s word ‘ARENA’. There should be a break line between each ‘x’ symbol.
- All partner logos should be 100% of the height of the Etihad logo and centred vertically.

Primary Colourway:
As a standard, our primary logo should appear over a white background.If there is a photography or solid colour background in a light colour, the primary logo should be used.
Secondary Colourway:
There will be circumstances when the secondary logo should be used, including on a black background, or if there is a photography or solid background in a dark colour.
Any deviations from the above should are not allowed, including changing the colour of the logo, or inverting the colours of the ‘primary logo’ to reflect a white box around black text.

When using the Etihad Arena brand mark, it is important to respect and adhere to the rules outlined in this document.
The treatments shown on this page should never be used.

Download logo and brand guidelines (ai, png, svg, pdf).DOWNLOAD